February 11, 2008

Low Price Chat - Chating Murah Meriah

Mini Friday - Low Price Chat (Chating Murah Meriah)

Mini Friday is a small research project on virtual worlds on mobile phones. We are trying to find out if real-time virtual worlds make sense on mobile devices. Mini Friday is a very simple virtual world - one small bar for now. The service is not actively moderated and you may be exposed to mature chat dialog. Please remember that people may not be who they claim to be. So if you plan to meet someone IRL, be careful and take a friend with you.Interested in trying it out?

is a small research project on virtual community in mobile phones, which is created by Sulake in late 2006. At present, it is only available on S60 2nd & 3rd edition Nokia phones. The company, who already own Habbo and operate in 30 countries across the globe, created the project in early December, 2006. Lead by Aapo, the small-scaled project consists of 5 rooms where users can talk to other members and bots (system control characters). Each user creates an avatar - a virtual representation of themself and uses commands such as ":go" to move between rooms. At present the game has no automatic or human moderation and users are free to say what they like. Sulake plan to expand the service to become available on more mobile phones in the near future.

"intinya.. kita memakai GPRS untuk melakukan panggilan (berkirim pesan) sehingga biaya yang kita lakukan sangat murah meriah (sebagai perbandingan ; saya menggunakan kartu IM3)


pada suatu malam, mulai pukul 12 malam sampai jam 3 pagi saya chatting, saking capeknya, saya tertidur sampai pukul 5 pagi (bangun-bangun ingat sholat subuh) setelah itu, saya ingat, ya ampun, GPRS belum saya matikan, bakal habis pulsa Gua :(.. hikk..

dan ternyata berapa biaya yang di pakai ??
Rp. 1.200 (seribu dua ratus)...perak...perak

What you need:
1. You are 18+
2. You have a supported phone with Internet access

You also need Internet access. If you don't have one, contact your operator.
Please note that Mini Friday itself is free, but uses Internet data and you will be charged for data traffic in accordance with your agreement with your operator. For active use, we recommend a fixed-rate data plan.

Langsung ke websitenya HERE (versi bahasa inggris atau)
Selengkapnya (sekalian download programnya :) HERE Baca/Klik Sini (bahasa indonesia)

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